Free mE EFT Practitioner CertificationImagine if the familiar feelings of anger, worry, fatigue, frustration, bitterness, sadness, disappointment, and confusion could simply disappear. What if chronic pain could vanish as well? Blocked energy is often the culprit behind persistent emotional states such as those mentioned, as well as illnesses and patterns of destructive behavior. Understanding why and how this energy became blocked is not necessary. Our focus is on releasing it, allowing the body and mind to return to a state of balance and harmony, thus restoring your natural state of optimal health. You are invited to join us for a transformative seminar and certification on Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as tapping. EFT is a scientifically supported method for releasing trapped emotions, phobias, PTSD, stress, anxiety, and various mental, emotional, and physical constraints. Established in the 90s, EFT was a pioneer among the innovative Energy Psychology modalities. With Free-mE™ EFT, we elevate the already powerful standard EFT to an even higher level! Level 1: 9.22.2024; Level 2: 9.29.2024; Level 3: 10.6.2024. |